The Discovery of ‘Dzubanium’

By Mark Duzban – As for Dzubanium, it was “discovered” when my father was working on backpack communications for the space program. While experimenting with a new sheet metal alloy as a lightweight, conductive platform, he found that gravitational properties would change based on the “Hall Effect” testing they conducted for electrical conductivity and magnetic properties.

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Optimizing the Member/Partner Experience

By Mark Duzban – At SCTE/ISBE, of course, we’re doing our part to help the industry increase service quality by launching a battery of new learning programs that can hone the skills of the technical workforce.

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“Life is Like a Box of Chocolates”

By By Mark L. Dzuban – It should come as no surprise to any of you that I try to plan for all eventualities. Whether it’s backups in case of grid or home systems failures or development of multiple strategies to ensure that SCTE/ISBE’s objectives are fulfilled, I pride myself in ensuring that no contingency is uncovered. After all, when you plan well, what can possibly go wrong?

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