Broadband Gets Its Citizenship

By Stewart Schley – Behind the pop-culture embrace of Citizen’s Band (CB) Radio during the 1970s was a concept of miniaturization: Enthusiasts were enthralled over the ability to transform radio broadcasting from a medium for the masses to a smaller field of play where individualism was the rule and where relatively few individuals might be listening at any time.

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So Many Choices, So Little Time

By By Stewart Schley -Their conclusion was two-fold. First, they recounted how there had never been so much choice available to everyday consumers. Grocery store shelves were lined with dozens of variations of jams, and that was just in the raspberry section.

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Quick: Fetch Me Some Helvetica Neue!

By Stewart Schley – We can’t predict what the Next Big Thing in video will revolve around from a content standpoint. But one aspect we can all but bank on is what its user interface will look like on the screen: lots of sans-serif type set against a dark background.

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