The Futurist

Time In A Bottle

By Jeff Finkelstein – I am going to take a different path in my article this month and not talk about technology, but instead talk about something basic to all of us. The way we interact with each other, how we see information, learn about it, remember, and share it. I do not have any background in any of this other than a lifetime of learnings

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Cable (Like the Phoenix) Rises Again

By Jeff Finkelstein – With the recent industry news showing DOCSIS 4.0 silicon getting speeds approaching 10 Gbps downstream and over 6 Gbps upstream, we stand poised to enter the multi-gigabit, multi-verse with the dawning of a new era.

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Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

By Jeff Finkelstein – After the conclusion of another spectacular SCTE show, I can look back at all the excellent sessions, panels, and workshops, being happy that the seemingly impossible was pulled together less than a month from a face-to-face event to a virtual event.

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Technology is Like a Pot Roast…

By Jeff Finkelstein – We spend years considering what the future of the consumer will demand in technology, capacity, speeds, and support. Significant hours are spent in discussions internally and externally, with operators, silicon vendors, OEM partners, CableLabs, and countless others.

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This is the Winter of Our Discontent

By Jeff Finkelstein – Regardless of what your possible future path contains, be it DOCSIS® 4.0 ESD, FDX, or a PON variant (heads-up, keep your eyes on the C-PON initiative, as it looks very interesting), there was something for you with much information to digest.

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