By the PHANTOM – Broadcasters are in a different situation from us. That difference arises from the way that economics work in their part of the infrastructure. Broadcasters own nothing in the viewers’ homes.

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Competition — Again

By the PHANTOM – Now any decent marketing type will tell you that it is a whole lot cheaper to keep a customer than it is to acquire a new one. The reason is that you spend so much moolah on getting a new customer — advertising, installation, introductory discounts, and so on ad nauseam.

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Boy Did I Get a Wrong Number!

By The Phantom – That was the name of this Bob Hope flick of the mid-’60s, in which Bob calls his wife on the phone, but accidentally gets a French movie star who has escaped to the U.S. As only Hope can do it, one thing leads to another and Hope finds himself in a hilarious pickle.

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 Now Where Was I? (Part 2)

Phantom – Guess I’d better find another industry to haunt if the phantom bosses decide to put me back into the programming business. Lemme think: How did I pull off the switch from that French opera house gig to this cable gig?

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That What Brought Us

By The Phantom – Don’t believe me about the polarization thing? Hold a pair of polarized sunglasses backwards over one eye and rotate them 90 degrees while watching an LCD screen.

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A Repeat

By The Phantom — Fast forward a century, we are in a pandemic, a divisive political season, and are dealing with a rapidly-changing technology landscape brought about by a technology for interconnecting computers, televisions, and other appliances not imagined earlier in our lifetimes.

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King of the Hill

By The Phantom — HFC technology as knocking twisted pair off the hill, but you’d be making a fatal mistake if you thought that we can stay on the hill forever

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Artificial What???

By The Phantom — So, we keep hearing all this stuff about artificial intelligence (AI). Here we are, talking about artificial intelligence, and we haven’t gotten the real thing figured out yet.

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Smarty Town

By The Phantom — So, smart cities are all the rage today, huh? Now just what does that mean? I didn’t think cities were animate objects that could have a characteristic like “smart.”

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