low latency

The Near Future of Latency

By CableLabs — One of the first efforts CableLabs engaged in was to address what is known as “buffer bloat,” increased latency caused by large packet buffers in cable equipment. This was initially addressed by providing controls to manage the size of the packet buffers, allowing a reduction in latency.

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High Latency is ‘Killing’ You

By Brady S. Volpe — Gaming is a billion-dollar industry with billions of players, and they use broadband to get there. I’ve spent a lot of time discussing the importance of low latency DOCSIS over the last couple of years on my podcast and YouTube channel.

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Low Latency and You!

By Leslie Ellis — As the bandwidth builders amongst us advance the quest of multi-gigabit networks, a corollary term is emerging: “low latency.” Two words, always expressed together, in a semantic mashup that almost warrants removing the space between the two words: lowlatency.

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